The Cherokees haven’t won a baseball game against their rivals, the Creeks, in ages. The Creeks, under the leadership of wealthy factory owner Conrad Beamis, have won the championship two years in a row. Worse, it’s obvious that Conrad bribes officials and recruits overage ringers for his team. How are you supposed to beat a team that doesn’t play by the rules?
The Cherokees’ coach, Alex Sardinski, understands his players’ frustrations. The rivalry between the two youth baseball teams is all too personal for him. Conrad hates Alex and would do anything to see him fail. He’s even lured away Alex’s girlfriend, Candy, with promises of luxury and excitement.
Alex is at the end of his rope when help comes from an unexpected source. A mysterious woman and her son, Timmy, have appeared just in time for Timmy to join the Cherokees. Timmy certainly knows how to pitch, but in the last inning of the big game, Alex begins to wonder if there’s something else going on with the angelic youngster.
You’ll have to discover Timmy’s secret for yourself in this hilarious sports story that’s sure to be a hit with readers who enjoy seeing good triumph over evil.
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