The two primary terms for online business sales as it relates to Market America and SHOP.COM are BV and IBV. What is the difference between these ideas? BV stands for "business volume" and is a value assigned to Market America's exclusive products. A person earns BV toward a commission when he or she sells one of these exclusive products. IBV is similar, and adds the term "internet" making it "internet business volume." This value is earned through sales through partner stores, such as Wal-Mart, Target, or Macy's. IBV is earned when a purchase is made through from one of their partner businesses. More information about Market America can be found at:
It is possible to earn commissions with either BV or IBV or a combination of the two. There is a wide variety of different kinds of products that are possible to sell through the platform, all helping a person to accrue enough BV and IBV to earn commissions from their sales. The products are sold through a large number of partner stores that have online stores that a large number of online shoppers use on a regular basis. The idea is for consumers to look online as they shop around, and to ultimately choose to buy products associated with your personal business, or "Unfranchise." There is great potential to reach a wide audience as they shop from many sources and help you to earn IBV from different participating sellers.
For people who are "Unfranchise" owners, a derivation of the concept of franchising, they earn commissions by accumulating both BV and IBV sales. The platform is similar to a franchise in that a central entity owns the name and framework and individuals can join the company by staking out their own business using the central business plan. It's unlike a franchise in that it is much easier and less expensive to start. SHOP.COM utilizes products that are not exclusive, but that is sold at participating stores, while Market America sells its own, exclusive products.
The key difference is whether or not the products are exclusive to Market America or are sold via partner businesses using SHOP.COM. Both types of sales are counted as a person builds up BV and IBV in order to earn commissions. Please see other sources for information to make a decision if this is a good venture to begin, what focus to take, and more specific information about how commission rates are calculated.
For those seeking to set up their own business in internet sales, these may be useful terms and companies to be aware of. To learn more information, you can subscribe to Market America or look at other videos available on There are many other videos that go into more detail about business plans and steps to take to maximize your potential as an entrepreneur in the sales sector utilizing both business volume and internet business volume credits, or BV and IBV. As you begin your business venture through Market America and SHOP.COM knowing these two terms will help you along your way.
Earn commissions when you buy Market America products or when you shop at everyday stores, such as Walmart, on SHOP.COM. Find out more at: